Study goals
The goal of the research is to raise and analyze the profile and characteristics of the individual Microentrepreneur in the city of Uberlândia, located in the state of Minas Gerais.
Relevance / originality
The formalization model of the MEI, implemented in Brazil, goes beyond creating opportunities, it generates economic movements, in addition to reducing negative social indices (BERNARDO; SILVEIRA; FERREIRA, 2018). The MEIs of Uberlândia represent about 8% of the population, deserving to be studied.
Methodology / approach
The research is classified as descriptive, with a qualitative approach. This is a documentary research whose data were collected from the databases of Sebrae, Simples Nacional, Federal Revenue of Brazil (RFB) and Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
Main results
The demand for formalization is growing in Uberlândia and in the state of Minas Gerais. Unemployment, the need for replacement, added to the entrepreneurial vision, explain the observed phenomenon. Cultural and socioeconomic issues are also responsible for changes in employment and income.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
O presente trabalho, além de levantar e analisar o perfil e as características do Microempreendedor Individual da cidade de Uberlândia, traça um comparativo com pesquisas anteriores realizadas em outras regiões do país, corroborando com os achados e ampliando o conhecimento na área.
Social / management contributions
The research contributes to the understanding of the current labor market, tracing a profile of the Individual Microentrepreneur in the city of Uberlândia/MG, which makes it possible to formulate strategies to encourage entrepreneurship and attract more informal workers to legality.