Study goals
his study investigates the interactions between value co-creation, experiential learning, and digital transformation, aiming to understand its characteristics, challenges, and how companies can leverage these synergies to enhance their management and innovation practices.
Relevance / originality
The research fills a gap in the literature by exploring the tripartite relationship between value co-creation, experiential learning, and digital transformation, areas typically studied in isolation.
Methodology / approach
A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and bibliometric analysis were conducted using the PRISMA method to examine relevant publications in the Web of Science and Scopus databases from 2019 to 2023.
Main results
The results indicate that integrating value co-creation and experiential learning with digital transformation initiatives improves organizational innovation, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency, highlighting the importance of behavioral competencies.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
The study contributes theoretically by proposing an integrative debate connecting value co-creation, experiential learning, and digital transformation, providing a foundation for future research. Additionally, it highlights the role of leadership and the need for soft skills aligned with digital transformation processes.
Social / management contributions
The findings suggest that companies adopting value co-creation and experiential learning practices in their digital transformation strategies achieve greater competitiveness, better customer collaboration, and enhanced responsiveness to market changes.