Study goals
To explore challenges of governance and management in inter-organizational projects, focusing on failures that compromise the success of these projects. The study aims to identify the determinants of success and failure in the management of these projects to improve effectiveness.
Relevance / originality
The study is relevant because it addresses governance failures in inter-organizational projects. The originality lies in the analysis of the practical experiences of managers, providing an in-depth view of the challenges faced.
Methodology / approach
An exploratory qualitative approach was used, with semi-structured interviews and a focus group made up of experienced managers in inter-organizational projects. Thematic content analysis was applied to identify the main shortcomings and challenges.
Main results
The study identified five categories of failures: Strategy, Structure, Interaction, Process, and Viability. Strategic alignment failures, a lack of specific frameworks, communication problems, and a shortage of resources were highlighted as the main challenges.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
The study contributes to the theory of project management by understanding governance challenges in inter-organizational projects, and proposing specific categories of failure.
Social / management contributions
The management contributions include recommendations for improving governance in inter-organizational projects, highlighting the need for clear strategic alignment, specific frameworks, and better communication and collaboration between organizations.