Study goals
The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of Big Data and artificial intelligence on marketing 4.0, exploring how these technologies have transformed communication and relationships between companies and their stakeholders in the Web 4.0 era.
Relevance / originality
When analyzing the literature, it became clear that despite the diversity of studies on marketing management, little is known about how tools such as big data and artificial intelligence can contribute to improving the assertiveness and, consequently, the success of marketing actions.
Methodology / approach
This is a qualitative research study, carried out through a case study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with four professionals in management positions who had contact with the Big Data and Marketing Management ecosystem.
Main results
The results of the interviews show that this tool, developed almost four decades ago, is already widely used by professionals in management, analysis and coordination positions for data collection and analysis, aiming to understand the demands of their segments and audiences.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
This research contributes to the refinement of the theory on the importance of adopting technologies in companies' marketing management, more specifically highlighting the importance of Big Data and data analysis for companies' decision-making.
Social / management contributions
The main contribution of this work to the market lies in the understanding of new processes related to marketing 4.0 and the use of Big Data to improve management and marketing strategies.