Study goals
The objective was to highlight scientific production about the contribution of industry 4.0 technologies to Sustainable Manufacturing in chemical manufacturing processes, through a systematic review of the literature on Green Manufacturing, Sustainability, Industry 4.0 and Chemical Industry.
Relevance / originality
Given the relevant impact of the chemical industry on the environment, the adoption of industry 4.0 technologies to stimulate sectoral competitiveness, and the scarcity of scientific work on the topic, provide the perception that the research is relevant and original.
Methodology / approach
Qualitative approach, exploratory and descriptive objective, structured from a synthesis of publications on the topics of green manufacturing, sustainability, industry 4.0 technologies and chemical industries. Systematic literature review research technique, with data collection through bibliographic research.
Main results
Studies on the topic increased in 2023, with emphasis on Universities in Malaysia, England and China. Topics such as sustainability, industry 4.0 and circular economy stood out. The journals with the most publications are Qualis A1 and have impact factor above 11.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
The results of the study provide deepening and advancement of scientific knowledge on the topic.
Social / management contributions
The study contributes to management by highlighting the current panorama on the adoption of industry 4.0 technologies to promote sustainable practices in chemical product manufacturing processes.