Study goals
This case study aimed to understand, based on the attitudes, representations and practices of economic operators, the main obstacles that prevent the practice of reverse logistics of electrical and electronic equipment in Angola.
Relevance / originality
The reverse logistics of electrical and electronic equipment is a current and very sensitive topic, however, the knowledge produced from this research will be useful to encourage the Angolan government to formulate a specific legal diploma within the scope of reverse logistics.
Methodology / approach
In this study, a mixed methodology was used, guided by an interpretative paradigm. We used two data collection techniques: questionnaire survey and observation.
Main results
The results indicate that, in the political panorama, it seems consensual that Reverse Logistics is an integral part of the discourses and normative documents produced at various levels, in practice there does not seem to be significant progress in terms of formalizing
Theoretical / methodological contributions
EEE reverse logistics is a current and very sensitive topic, however, the knowledge produced from this investigation will be useful to encourage the Angolan government in formulating a legal diploma within the scope of EEE reverse logistics.
Social / management contributions
Boosting post-consumer reverse logistics contributes significantly to improving the well-being of the population, boosting the diversification of the Angolan economy and breaking dependence on the oil industry; and promote job creation.