Study goals
The study aimed to evaluate the participation and results of local companies in electronic auctions held by the municipality of Campo Belo-MG, as opposed opposed to the face-to-face format.
Relevance / originality
Due to the importance of the topic of public procurement, especially in small municipalities, the study is relevant in the sense that the results can contribute to local development, to the community in general and specifically to small and medium-sized companies in
Methodology / approach
Methodologically, bibliographical and documentary research was adopted, data was collected from notices, auctions, minutes, contracts, between 2018 and 2021. The averages and percentages regarding the origin of bidders, values and classified according to size and headquarters were described and analyzed.
Main results
Bidders from more states and regions can participate electronically. Companies based in Campo Belo won less in auctions and, in financial terms, the resources for carrying out public purchases increased to the benefit of organizations in other locations.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
Construction of a conceptual model on the topic and highlighting that the study of electronic purchases provides access to new knowledge and applicability in other markets aiming at the development of municipalities.
Social / management contributions
The research contributed to a diagnosis, proposal of alternatives to adapt to this new scenario, which involves training suppliers, publicizing notices and applying benefits to micro and small companies based in the municipality, with a view to local development.