Study goals
The technical report presents the agile management of squads using a structured start-up process, with the objective of combating Churn. The contextualization of the team and the use of tools helped to obtain more assertive results.
Relevance / originality
The technical report presents the agile management of squads using a structured start-up process, with the objective of combating Churn. The contextualization of the team and the use of tools helped to obtain more assertive results.
Methodology / approach
The descriptive case study was used that presents the implementation of agile squads, under the prism of processes in five stages: initiation, Training, Mission and Team Composition and problematization, helping the formation of the Roadmap and Backlog of work.
Main results
Creation of a scalable process with people's engagement, with the involvement of stakeholders from the front end. And the findings that reduced churn and increased revenues from the sharing of context and applied method.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
The theoretical contributions include the management of agile projects and methodologies that can help to share the context for the search for solutions. Brainstorming to converge and diverge, and experiment through mathematical studies, Big Data and Analytics with predictability.
Social / management contributions
Agile management, theoretical discussion contributes to the use of tools according to the context and the importance of a scalable process to reduce learning time and find solutions through data (big data and Analytics)