Study goals
This study aims to unveiling the research dimensions involving the themes of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Games, constructing a comprehensive framework that can guide the teaching-learning process in an educational context integrating these themes.
Relevance / originality
The study presents a framework of five research dimensions on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Games that have not yet been identified in the literature, providing a solid foundation for researchers, educators, and policymakers in the field of education.
Methodology / approach
A bibliometric analysis of 350 documents and a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of 12 articles were conducted, highlighting publications by year, thematic area, and the occurrence network of emerging terms that integrate the themes of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Games.
Main results
An exponential growth in the publication of documents on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Games has been observed in the last five years. The emerging terms identified in the literature include Entrepreneurship Education, Sustainable Development, Ecosystems, Gamification, Artificial Intelligence, and Game-based Learning.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
The developed framework offers a holistic view of the processes involved in teaching and learning, which may, in turn, inspire new theoretical approaches that consider the interactions between innovation, entrepreneurship, and the use of games as pedagogical tools.
Social / management contributions
The study provides clear direction for educational policies aimed at preparing individuals to face the challenges of the contemporary world. The findings of this study enable the implementation of training programs focused on the development of interdisciplinary skills among educators.