Study goals
To investigate which attributes of makeup packaging influence consumers' purchasing decisions, considering how demographic factors such as gender, age, education, and income shape these preferences.
Relevance / originality
The study contributes to the literature by exploring the influence of makeup packaging on purchasing decisions, focusing on demographic differences, thereby enhancing the understanding of consumer behavior and product design.
Methodology / approach
The research adopted a quantitative and exploratory approach, utilizing a structured questionnaire applied to 104 makeup consumers. The data were analyzed segmentally by gender, age, education, and income.
Main results
he clarity and relevance of packaging information stood out as the most influential factors in purchasing decisions, valued by all demographic groups, especially younger consumers and those with higher education. Detailed information was widely recognized.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
The study reinforces that packaging preferences are strongly influenced by demographic characteristics, offering valuable insights for future research on consumer behavior and packaging design.
Social / management contributions
The differences in packaging preferences suggest the need for segmented marketing strategies, adapting the design and communication of packaging to the specific expectations of different demographic segments.