Study goals
The present work aims to present an analysis of the implementation, impact, and challenges faced in municipal projects focused on recycling cooperatives.
Relevance / originality
The importance of recycling cooperatives in the pursuit of environmental sustainability and the various challenges and opportunities involved in the implementation of these projects in the social and environmental spheres will be addressed.
Methodology / approach
A study using a qualitative approach was conducted to analyze the implementation, impact, and challenges faced in municipal projects focused on a recycling cooperative and how this relationship can be beneficial from the perspective of social and sustainable inclusion.
Main results
Sustainability projects drive the circular economy, increasing the demand for recyclable materials and, consequently, creating more jobs for cooperative members. Recycling cooperatives promote social inclusion for waste pickers, offering employment and income opportunities.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
Theoretical contributions are fundamental to understanding how the partnership between cooperatives and municipalities can be an effective strategy to promote sustainability at the local and regional levels.
Social / management contributions
Effective communication is essential for society to understand the importance of research and for scientific results on sustainability to play their role in promoting positive societal change.