Study goals
This study aimed to analyze how stakeholder collaboration can enhance opportunities for family farming enterprises, identifying key stakeholders, their support forms, access mechanisms, and developing an explanatory model to clarify these interactions within the context of sustainable development.
Relevance / originality
The research expands understanding of social bricolage in family farming, highlighting stakeholder collaboration in overcoming resource limitations and promoting sustainable development. The study also provides a practical model to guide these collaborations.
Methodology / approach
The research employed a qualitative approach, including a case study in the Brazilian Legal Amazon. Semi-structured interviews with family farmers and stakeholders, supplemented by document analysis, were conducted to explore collaboration methods and access to available resources.
Main results
The results indicate that stakeholder collaboration is crucial for enhancing opportunities in family farming enterprises. Seven categories of interaction were identified, and a table with types and access methods was presented, highlighting technical support, financial assistance, and public policy.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
The study expands the understanding of social bricolage, demonstrating how stakeholder collaboration enhances opportunities in family farming. Methodologically, it provides an analytical model that can be applied to other contexts of social entrepreneurship.
Social / management contributions
The study contributes to management by providing a practical model to guide collaborations between stakeholders and family farmers. Socially, it strengthens sustainability, promoting food security, poverty eradication, and socioeconomic resilience in the Brazilian Legal Amazon.