Study goals
This study explores the determinants of Hiring financial advisors in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), addressing persistent gaps in the scientific understanding of this phenomenon.
Relevance / originality
Through a meta-analysis, we analyzed a variety of empirical studies to explain the factors contributing to the hiring of financial advisors in M&A and how these advisors impact the operational and financial outcomes of M&A.
Methodology / approach
Utilizing a meta-analysis approach supported by a systematic literature review, we analyzed 65 studies, including articles, theses, and dissertations, to identify, list, and classify variables that explain the hiring of financial advisors in M&A performance.
Main results
The analysis shows that positive financial and operational performance in M&A are factors driving the hiring of financial advisors. Financial advisors significantly influence the completion of M&A, leading to higher financial returns and shorter completion times.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
This study contributes to the literature on M&A, specifically to research on financial advisors. Methodologically, we provide a quantitative synthesis of the main variables influencing the hiring and impact of financial advisors in M&A.
Social / management contributions
The results highlight the relevance of financial advisors in addressing the complexities of M&A, with their reputation and the size of the transaction having significant impacts on improving M&A outcomes.