Study goals
The objective of this technical report is to understand the role of psychological safety in the context of organizational change in an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system implementation project in a multinational healthcare provider.
Relevance / originality
This study deal with the impact of the project's initial challenges understands the psychological safety role regarding the lack of clarity of information and consequent disengagement and commitment to executing the initiatives of project.
Methodology / approach
Two interventions were adopted, the first of which consisted of creating a psychologically safe environment to understand the drivers of the current state The second intervention consisted of bringing light to the data captured in the first moment and outlining an action.
Main results
The results point to rapid changes in business needs, which leads organizations to adopt information systems infrastructures that are economical and flexible. Here there is a pressing need for change management based on promoting psychological safety.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
The contribution of the report is to provide data from a model for healthcare companies that work with systems implementation understands the psychological safety role.
Social / management contributions
An environment of psychological safety can contribute to facilitating the transition and promoting smoother adaptation in the context of implementing new processes or technologies, positively impacting team performance through engagement and commitment.