Study goals
This research aimed to investigate the international literature addressing the themes of consumption, sustainability, and fast fashion, focusing on the profile of the studies and their main contributions.
Relevance / originality
The study stands out for its comprehensive analysis of the international literature on consumption, sustainability, and fast fashion, which are relevant topics in applied social sciences. Additionally, it provides insights into current trends and identifies areas for future investigations.
Methodology / approach
This research on international scientific literature regarding consumption, sustainability, and fast fashion uses bibliometric network analysis. Articles from the Scopus database were filtered using the terms "Consumption," "Sustainability," and "Fast Fashion" from 2012 to 2022.
Main results
The results highlight 2022 as the peak year for articles indexed in Scopus on consumption, sustainability, and fast fashion. The main contributors are the United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States, with the journal 'Sustainability' receiving the majority of published articles.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
This research contributes to the international literature on consumption, sustainability, and fast fashion by focusing on the profile of studies and their contributions. The bibliometric analysis of Scopus articles from 2012 to 2022 revealed current trends and highlighted areas for future investigations.
Social / management contributions
The study emphasizes the growing attention to sustainability and social concerns in fast fashion. It underscores the need for more sustainable practices in the fashion industry and the potential social impacts of consumer behavior, which cannot be overlooked.