Study goals
The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between project managers' personalities and project success, with an emphasis on the perceived impact on the team and clients, analyzing the mediating effect of cultural intelligence in this relationship.
Relevance / originality
By investigating cultural intelligence as a mediating factor in the relationship between personality and success in international projects, this study goes beyond previous research that has highlighted its importance only in isolation.
Methodology / approach
A quantitative approach was chosen, with an online questionnaire administered to international project managers using three validated scales: project success, the Big Five scale, and the CQS scale.
Main results
The results show that openness to experience and conscientiousness, mediated by cultural intelligence, are essential for performance in diverse contexts, aligning with studies that emphasize the importance of cultural intelligence in managing multicultural teams.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
This study contributes theoretically by highlighting the distinctive characteristics of international projects and the role of Big Five personality traits in this context.
Social / management contributions
From a practical perspective, it suggests that organizations consider cultural intelligence when selecting and developing international project managers.