Study goals
Analyze the main difficulties that Brazilian entrepreneurs face when innovating in their businesses
Relevance / originality
To justify the research, innovation plays a crucial role in the competitiveness and growth of Brazilian microenterprises, but studies indicate a low propensity for innovation in this segment.
Methodology / approach
Through a bibliographical review and analysis of secondary data, we seek to identify the most relevant obstacles to an environment more conducive to innovation in the country.
Main results
The research points out that the main challenges for innovation in Brazil include: high cost of research and development, excessive bureaucracy, lack of access to credit, risk-averse culture and shortage of qualified labor In view of the challenges identified.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
Research on identifying factors that impede innovation in Brazilian microenterprises has significant social relevance as it sheds light on obstacles to innovation and the effectiveness of innovation policies
Social / management contributions
An analysis of award-winning innovation efforts shows how public policies can support companies to become more sustainable through innovation, contributing to competitiveness and sustainability in small businesses.