Study goals
Integrating innovation capability with innovation ecosystems allows for a deeper analysis of how organizations not only develop new capabilities, but also how they interact with other ecosystem actors to maximize the impact of these innovations.
Relevance / originality
This study seeks to explore the intersection between these two fundamental concepts: innovation capacity and innovation ecosystems.
Methodology / approach
The research aims to identify how studies on Innovation Ecosystems were developed considering the theme of Innovation Capacity To this end, a systematic literature review was structured, which aims to analyze the theoretical framework developed in these fields of study Specifically, the
Main results
To carry out the systematic review, the Scopus database was used, with the search criteria established around the keywords "innovation ecosystem" and "innovation capacity" The search fields included title, abstract and keywords, and the analysis covered publications from 2016 to 2023 The
Theoretical / methodological contributions
Future research should deepen the understanding of the interaction between Intellectual Capital, innovation ambidexterity, business value creation and employee skills, knowledge and best practices
Social / management contributions
Future research could explore influential measures and factors, such as organizational culture, leadership style, and engagement with external stakeholders, to improve companies' implementation of learning and adaptation initiatives during crisis management.