Study goals
Verify the impacts and difficulties of implementing a quality management system (QMS) applied to a real estate legalization process, analyzing the implementation in a small consultancy.
Relevance / originality
The study proves to be quite relevant as it demonstrates in practice several theoretical foundations about quality management systems, and demonstrates novelty when applying this theoretical basis in a real estate development context.
Methodology / approach
The study presents the implementation of the QMS as a case study in the analyzed company, using as a complement, interviews to determine the perceptions of the agents involved.
Main results
The study demonstrated the positive impact that the QMS had throughout the company studied, bringing positive impacts on the quality of the final product and profitability. Additionally, the study presents limitations and changes to the project throughout implementation.
Theoretical / methodological contributions
The study presents some factors that can be challenging in implementing the QMS, especially when it is a smaller company, with little structure to implement this type of system.
Social / management contributions
The study also presents social contributions by demonstrating which aspects the QMS should be addressed in different organizations, and what the difficulties may be in its full implementation.